Sunday, October 25, 2009

Separating Glyphs into 1 and 2 ink categories.

Step1: Open QA2 and create a category called ‘2inkglyph’ Set it up with the values you want.

Step2: Close WoW and open the file called QuickAuctions.lua located in your WoW Saved Variables folder.
Find the place where it says
["groups"] = { and locate the line that says 2inkglyph
Change the file so it looks like this:

["2inkglyph"] = {
["item:41547"] = true,
["item:42744"] = true,
["item:42402"] = true,
["item:42453"] = true,
["item:41535"] = true,
["item:43551"] = true,
["item:42749"] = true,
["item:42906"] = true,
["item:41094"] = true,
["item:43549"] = true,
["item:42471"] = true,
["item:42473"] = true,
["item:42406"] = true,
["item:42737"] = true,
["item:41104"] = true,
["item:40896"] = true,
["item:43554"] = true,
["item:42458"] = true,
["item:41542"] = true,
["item:43417"] = true,
["item:42400"] = true,
["item:45797"] = true,
["item:42962"] = true,
["item:41532"] = true,
["item:41098"] = true,
["item:41108"] = true,
["item:40909"] = true,
["item:42456"] = true,
["item:42746"] = true,
["item:42470"] = true,
["item:42736"] = true,
["item:42960"] = true,
["item:42908"] = true,
["item:45747"] = true,
["item:42955"] = true,
["item:41537"] = true,
["item:42462"] = true,
["item:42973"] = true,
["item:42415"] = true,
["item:41536"] = true,
["item:43424"] = true,
["item:43427"] = true,
["item:43827"] = true,
["item:42410"] = true,
["item:41092"] = true,
["item:40923"] = true,
["item:42897"] = true,
["item:45740"] = true,
["item:42970"] = true,
["item:42964"] = true,
["item:42904"] = true,
["item:43418"] = true,

These are all the 2 Ink glyphs in the game. Your next step is to log back into WoW, set up a category for 1 ink glyphs and add all glyphs in your inventory to that category. You should be all set.

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